READING: John 18
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place; Pilate was stuck right in the
middle of T-R-O-U-B-L-E. On one side, he has an uprising of the Jews in the
making, just waiting on Him to decide concerning Jesus. On the other side,
he has his wife. Matthew 27.19 tells us that she is highly encouraging him to
do nothing with Jesus because He is innocent. Now I don’t know about you,
but I would rather face an uprising of the Jews instead of having my wife upset
with me. As Pilate investigates and then deliberates, one might get the
impression that Jesus was having an effect on him. In John 18.38, Pilate
says to the crowd of the Jews, “I find no guilt in Him…”. The word guilt means
“cause” or “logical accusation”. It must have been very difficult for Him
to understand why these Jews were so adamant about getting rid of this
man. I am not suggesting that Pilate’s time spent with Jesus was what one
might consider pleasant, but I do feel as though Pilate was somewhat impressed
with Jesus. However, in the end the Jews win, and Pilate is forced to
execute Jesus for a crime that He count not account. I have always
wondered what happened to Pilate after his encounter with Jesus.
Josephus, in the work “Antiquities of the Jews”, records that the Emperor Tiberius
summoned him back to Rome to answer for his mishandling of a riot that involved
the Samaritans in 36 A.D. Yet when he arrives in Rome, Tiberius has died, and
Caligula has assumed the throne and nothing more is said of Pilate. Is it
possible that Pilate was so affected by Jesus that He could have obeyed the
Gospel later in his life? Of course, it is possible, but we will never
know this side of eternity unless some new evidence is discovered.
Whether or not he does develop a faith in Jesus as the Son of God, does not
negate the fact that he was guilty of the sin of placing Jesus on that cross;
but so are we! In fact, we are just as guilty as Pilate. Even
though we may not have issued the command to have Jesus scourged or commanded
the soldiers to nail Jesus to that cross, we are not guiltless. The
reason we are just as guilty is because no one person crucified Jesus. We
all had a part in the crucifixion because we all sin, and sin is what placed
Jesus on that cross. After knowing this, what matters is what we do now,
that makes the difference.
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