“Maintaining Purpose”
READING: John 12
I have always wondered how Jesus
could be willing to endure all the suffering that He had to face in His
life. It must have been difficult to
endure, knowing all that had to take place for the will of God to be accomplished. He certainly had to be driven to not just
throw up His hands and quit. Where did
He find the strength? Where did He find
the encouragement and motivation to endure so much? Someone once said, “Motivation is found when
purpose is discovered”. If that
statement is true, then John 12.27 records for us where Jesus received His
motivation. It reads “Now is my soul
troubled. And what shall I say? Father,
save me from this hour? But for this purpose I have come to this hour. (John
12.27) The same can be said of us today. When we find our purpose, the
motivations take care of itself.
Christ’s purpose was to submit to the will of the Father, what is
yours? Find it, use it and “glorify” Him
as you fulfill what your destiny will be.
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