"God's Way is Best"
READING: 1 Samuel 28-31, Psalms 18
David had been severely persecuted by
King Saul, who was eaten up with fear that David was out to capture his throne.
David had come to the conclusion within his heart that he must go into
hiding. He was in a terrible position.
David knew he could eliminate his problem. After all, twice he had an easy
opportunity to kill Saul but didn’t. David knew that Saul, even in his
maddening jealous state, had been appointed by God and it wasn’t his place to
remove him. David was very patient in dealing with his problem. He knew God
would answer his prayers and resolve this problem in His way. So, when God
resolved David’s fear for his life from Saul’s mad campaign by allowing Saul to
fall on his own sword, David knew God had handled it His way. David had no illusion
that he had somehow handled his problem. Only God had preserved his life.
When you have difficult times in your
life, what is your response? Do you turn to God for help? David knew he could
resolve some of his problems, but he also knew his way was not Gods way. Maybe
your resolution to problems could use more of God and less of you. If difficult
times are handled correctly, God has to be involved. Just as David praised God
for delivering him in Psalms 18, we need to thank Him every day for delivering
us from evil.
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