"Those Were the Good Ol' Days"


                We all love to reminisce and somewhat embellish a little about the good ol’ days.  Whether it is how great of an athlete we were or how far we had to walk to school in the snow, it seems every generation likes to reminisce about days gone by.  Job is no different. In fact, that is exactly what he does in Job 29. He even uses the phrase, “as I was in my prime”.  He talks about the way it used to be, when he had his family, his wealth, his reputation.  From reading this chapter, one might think that Job is being somewhat boastful. However, I do not believe that Job is being boastful at all.  I think that he did exactly what he said he did because from the beginning of the book we read how highly God spoke of Job.  It seems obvious that Job was a great man, but now he feels like he is only a shell of his previous self.  What does this teach us in today’s world?  I think God wants us to live each day like it is a gift; enjoy it, bless others with this gift you have been given because one day you may not be able to enjoy it as you once did.  Several years ago, the film “Dead Poets Society” contained a quote from the Roman Poet Horace that said “Carpe Diem” and it means “Seize the Day”.  For Christians, that should be our mantra; every day is a gift.  Therefore, we must seize this gift and take advantages of the opportunities that we have today, because later in life we will look back and wish we would’ve.  Christians of all people should know that we may not even get a tomorrow (James 4.14)


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