“The Power of Influence”

BIBLE READING: 2 Chronicles 21-23

All those years of training in good grammar couldn't stand up to a few hours of being with a friend who mangles the language. That was my observation recently as I overheard my second-grade son Steven talking with one of his friends.
I had listened as Steven's buddy used poor English again and again. I was surprised by his word choices, but I was really taken aback when I heard Steven talking the same way. He doesn't usually talk like that -- at least he didn't until a little peer pressure got to him.
It was another illustration of the power of others to change the way we think. We carefully guide our children to use proper speech patterns, but the influence of one friend can undo all that.
Think about how this principle affects much more important choices. Consider Ahaziah in 2 Chronicles. He was influenced by his mother to do wrong (2 Chronicles 22:3). As a result, "He did evil in the sight of the Lord" (2 Chronicles 22:4). His godly grandfather Jehoshaphat surely had some influence on Ahaziah, but it was the evil persuasion of Athaliah that marked his course.
We can be manipulated! So, we must be careful about who or what influences us and stay close to our Father, the source of all that is good and right.
Be sure that those in whom you trust
Are led by God each day;
For if they let the devil guide,
They could lead you astray
Choose your companions with care -  you may become what they are. -- J D Branon


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