“Building Our Faith”


                As the exiles are beginning to go back into Jerusalem to begin to rebuild the Temple of the Lord, they are met with some resistance.  Ezra 4 mentions that there were some of their adversaries that came near as to help them in the efforts to rebuild.  Although it seems like a generous offer, most commentators agree that their intention was more selfish in nature. These adversaries would become what we will later refer to as the Samaritans.  Their request to offer aid was denied by Zerubbabel, Jeshua and the rest of the fathers of the house of Israel.  They knew that they were the ones who had received the commission to build the Temple for God through King Cyrus of Persia.  After all, had they not remained there ever since the Temple’s destruction?   If they were so intent upon helping, why haven’t they already begun the rebuilding process?  All the evidence does suggest that their adversaries had something else in mind other than offering simple aid to help.  Also, there is another important lesson hidden in this text for us to see.  The returning exiles knew that this was something that they must do.  They were commanded, they were compelled, and they were driven; this was a job that only they could do for themselves.  That lesson is so valuable to us today! There are some things in our lives that only we can do for ourselves.  There may be others that seek to offer genuine help and heart felt support, yet some things can only be accomplished by you and you alone.  For instance, Jesus desires that we grow deeper in our relationship with Him.   There are others that are willing to help us, like our ministers, our families, and our friends.   There may even be tools that you can use to help you in your efforts to deepen that relationship with your Savior (like the Home Devo 😊). Yet, the only person that can begin to build that faith is you!  It is your faith and it must be developed and strengthened by you.  So just as these returning exiles understood, this is something that they had to do on their own terms because of their command, their conviction, and their passion.  There are just some things that we must be responsible for ourselves.


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