“Learning to do Right”
BIBLE READING: 2 Chronicles 35-36
If everyone else jumps off a bridge
would you jump, too? All of us have probably asked or been asked that question
before. The heart of the question is this: Are you a leader or are you a
follower? Because going with the flow is easy but thinking independently breaks
the status quo.
This was the same question Josiah
had to wrestle with throughout his reign. Josiah saw things happening that were
not pleasing to God. As the leader, he could follow in the footsteps of those
who came before him and ignore it, or he could put a stop to the idolatry God
Not everything that is popular is
going to be right.
By destroying the idols, Josiah
showed that he was willing to do what was right even if it wasn’t popular. And
even though Josiah didn’t always get it right, his stand against idolatry is
what he’s remembered for. “To this day all the male and female singers
commemorate Josiah in the laments” (2 Chronicles 35:25).
What we do today will determine how
we are remembered. Like Josiah, we will face times when we need to stand up and
fight for what we believe in, even when the crowd is doing something else.
Not everything that is popular is
going to be right. Often, God’s calling will cause us to create our own path.
But we can trust Him never to lead us astray because justice and faithfulness
are who He is (Psalm 86:15).
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