“Are you listening?”


In chapter 20-21 Zophar enters the group and begins to speak and continues to condemn Job. He falls back on the on “knowledge” of the time about God. Zophar knows that he and Job share the common beliefs about God; that while the wicked may prosper for a time, they suffer in the end. Zophar says that Job’s blessings earlier indicated he had been doing righteous. However, his sufferings indicate some secret sins that Job kept hidden. Of course, God knows everything. Job says that their view of God by observed evidence, is simply an error. We today are reminded that this view of God is still seen by others. Many times a region suffers earthquakes or hurricanes, and right away some begin discussing what the victim must have done to have this befall them. Maybe the story of Job helps us to understand how all these things- life, suffering, and the nature of both God and man, relate to each other.   


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