“Struggling with Fear?”


                There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. – 1 John 4:18 (Message)
Fear. It’s something we all deal with from time to time. The crazy thing about fear is that it hits each of us differently. Some are afraid of the dark, others fear small spaces, while others fear speaking in front of people or being alone. There are lots of different varieties of fear, but the thing that all fears have in common is that they stop us.
Fear stops you from doing more, saying more, and being more. It holds you back and if left unchecked, fear will keep you from doing the things that God is calling you to do. So, how do you go about curbing the fears that hold you back?
A great way to do that is to begin to focus on God’s love. Today’s Bible verse shows us that love banishes fear. That means that the more we focus on the fact that God loves us, and that He’s provided everything we could ever need to do what He’s called us to, the more we realize that fear doesn’t have a hold on us any longer. Fear can’t be effective in our lives if we’re so focused on God’s love for us. God’s love drives out all fear. It shows us that God will take care of us in every situation and every circumstance. If you’re struggling with fear today, take some time to begin to think on God’s love. Find scriptures in the Bible that tell you how loved you are and stories that show you how God came through for those who loved Him. As you focus on these things, fear will have to leave your life!


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