“Seeing Jesus in Us”
READING: James 4- 1 Peter 3
Astronaut Charles Duke is one of only twelve men who have left
footprints on the moon. He was the lunar module pilot for the Apollo 16
Mission. He now lives in New Braunfels, Texas. He wasn’t a Christian when he
walked on the moon. Here’s his story:
"After walking on the moon, I was bored. Fame, fortune, a
spot in the history books: I had it all. But if you had been a fly on the wall
in my home, you would have seen that I wasn’t so hot. I was failing miserably
as a husband and father. Though I had gone to church all my life, I had all of
God I needed in that one hour every Sunday morning. Even the moon had not been
a spiritual experience. I wasn’t looking for God. I only knew Jesus the way you
know the U.S. Presidents--in name only. My business succeeded, and the money
rolled in, but I was bored again.
"But Dottie wasn’t. She had changed. Her depression had
lifted, and she demonstrated a new, believing faith. She turned to God--not
me--for answers to her problems. One night I attended a Bible Study with her
that focused on one penetrating question, 'Who was Jesus?' All my life I had
said the words 'Son of God' but had never trusted Him. That night I came
face-to-face with the opportunity to follow Him. I prayed with Dottie in the
front seat of our car and gave my life over to Christ. I didn’t see angels. I
didn’t hear music. No blinding lights. But I knew what I knew. It was real.
The next day I awoke with an insatiable desire to read the Bible.
It cost the government $400 million for me to walk three days on the moon--and
it’s over. But to walk with Jesus is free and it lasts forever!
from Sermoncentral.com
As Christians sometimes we
think all we must do is look around and we can see proof of the existence of a
loving God. Yet for many, they need to
see more. The Apostle Peter writes, “
Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not
obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,
when they see your respectful and pure conduct.” (1 Peter 3:1-2). In the case of Charles Duke, he
needed to see the behavior of his wife before he was truly convinced. Although the passage is concerning husband
and wives, the application fits in all circumstances. People can come to know Jesus, without us
brow beating them or shoving Scripture down their throat. If we truly live like Jesus, they will see
Him. People have always said “I would
rather see a sermon than hear one any day”.
Church…let’s be that sermon!
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