“The Damage of Divorce”
READING: Matthew 19, Mark 10
Divorce is one of the most difficult issues that plagues our society. No
matter what the situation, God hates divorce (Malachi 2.16). The reason
for that hatred, is because divorce never just affects the man and the
woman. The ripples of divorce affect the children, the extended family of
both sides, not to mention the friends of the couple as well. The world
wants us to believe that the lines between divorce have been blurred so much,
that is it more of a gray issue. However, for God the issue seems to be
black and white. Marriage is meant to be a commitment between a man and a
woman and God. Those vows that we made to each other on our wedding day
were meant to be kept until death do us part. Now, that doesn’t mean that
God doesn’t place an opportunity for divorce; In fact, that is what we have
within our reading this morning in Matthew 19.9; However, divorce is to be the
last resort in all circumstances. The issue is only gray because us as
imperfect people make it that way. Nearly everyone has someone in their
family that has had to deal with this ugly issue; So, what can we do to fix
things? Sadly, in most situations, it is past time to repair those
relationships because the divorce has been finalized, people have remarried,
and new families are involved. It may be too late to fix those things in
the past, but we certainly can help prevent things from happening in the
future. According to most statistics, children who come from divorced
families are more likely to get divorced. Parents, we need to be more proactive
in educating our children on the commitment that comes along with
marriage. The need to understand the importance of making a vow to God
and others and become people who are willing to uphold those vows. We also do
not need to paint divorce in such a glorified position, but rather remind them
of the heartache and pain it causes to the others around them. Finally,
we must do a better job at helping them understand what true martial love is
about; looking out for the needs of others more than we do our own.
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