
Showing posts from October, 2018

“The Damage of Divorce”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 19, Mark 10 DISCUSSION                                                                                         Divorce is one of the most difficult issues that plagues our society.  No matter what the situation, God hates divorce (Malachi 2.16).  The reason for that hatred, is because divorce never just affects the man and the woman.  The ripples of divorce affect the children, the extended family of both sides, not to mention the friends of the couple as well.  The world wants us to believe that the lines between divorce have been blurred so much, that is it more of a gray issue....

“Don’t Give Up!”

BIBLE READING: Luke 17. 11-37, 18.1-14 DISCUSSION                                                                                                          In 1993 at the ESPN Awards show, former North Carolina State Basketball Coach Jimmy Valvano was awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award.  Jimmy V (as he was affectionately known in the sports world) was losing his battle with cancer.  As he closed out his acceptance speech, in what would become one off the most famous inspirational quotes of sports history, “Don’t give up…don’t ever give up!”...

“Conflict Resolution By Jesus”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 18 DISCUSSION                                                                      So many of the worlds problem would be solved if everyone simply followed the pattern that Jesus presents here in John 18. Why is it when we find out someone has been overtaken in a sin, we feel the need to make sure we let everyone else know what they have done?  It has happened to all us in some way, whether we be the offended or the offender.  Then, after we broadcast the news to our close contacts, they feel the need to broadcast the news to their contacts and so on and so on.  Before you know it everyone in town is familiar with “the incident” and your...


Bible Reading: Luke 16, 17. 1-10

“Counting The Cost”

BIBLE READING: Luke 14-15 DISCUSSION                                                                                     Before you obeyed the Gospel, did you ever really stop and think how much it would cost you to become as follower of Jesus? You should have!  Now don’t get me wrong, I firmly believe that becoming a Christian was the greatest decision I will ever make.  I also believe that no matter what the cost that I must pay, it will definitely be worth it, not only in the life to come, but the here and now as well.  But, when people don’t count the cost, they are quick to fall away and reluctant to come back becaus...

“Haunting Words”

BIBLE READING: Luke 12-13 DISCUSSION                                                                                        "And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.” (Luke 12:8-9).   We all have words or phrases that when we hear them, they pierce our soul to its core.   I wonder if that is what these words were for the Apostle Peter.  We all have our weak moments and we may all deny that we know Jesus by our actions, but few openly...

“True Blessedness”

BIBLE READING: Luke 10-11, John 10. 22-42 DISCUSSION                                                                                                   After Jesus had cast the demon out of the mute, some of the people were suggesting that Jesus was using the power of Beelzebul (the prince of the demons) to cast them.  Noting the irrational thinking that suggested that idea, Jesus reminds them that a divided household would fall.  Noticing not only the power but the wisdom of Jesus, a woman from the crowd shouted,  "Blessed is the womb that bore you, a...


BIBLE READING: John 9, 10. 1-21 DISCUSSION                                                I must confess something to you…I am a fan of sarcasm.   Now don’t get me wrong, I would never endorse “back talk” as my parents referred to it.   However, at times sarcasm can be just the thing needed for people to really understand a situation.   For instance, I read this quote the other day “When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark.”   I almost feel that is the sentiment the blind man has as he if facing the Pharisees.   Jesus has just given sight to a man that was born blind.   Imagine, never being able to see anything your whole life and now you can see everything (Even the absurdity of the Pharisees).   The...

“The Fulfillment”

BIBLE READING: John 7-8 DISCUSSION                                                                                       One of the aspects of Jesus that the Jews found very difficult to accept was the pre-existence of Christ.    In the beginning of his gospel, John tries to help us come to a clearer understanding in the first few verses .   “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:1-2, 14).   As we read this today it is easier for us to understand and acce...

“The Greatest”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 18 DISCUSSION                                                                                                                  In February of 1964 before his famous defeat of Sonny Liston, Muhammad Ali said “I am the Greatest”.  It isn’t that I want to just simply disagree with ‘The Champ”, but I do believe he was mistaken in his assessment.  In Matthew 18, the disciples had been having some banter back and forth concerning the idea of being the greatest of Jesus’ disciples....


Bible Reading: Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9. 28-62

“Are You Just Looking For a Reason”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 16, Luke 9. 18-27, Mark 8 DISCUSSION                                                     “They were just looking for a reason to leave.”   That is a quote from a man I love and respect concerning people that leave the church because of something petty.   It is his belief (and I cannot disagree with him), that people that stop coming to worship because of something other than a doctrinal reason, are just really looking for an excuse to stop coming.   They give reasons such as personality conflicts, the minister/youth minister, or even the eldership for their lack of participation in church work.   Even if those issues may be a problem or even a distraction, they are not the root cause of their unfaithfulness, but a symptom of their unfaithful...

“Our Own Worst Enemy”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 15, Mark 7 DISCUSSION                                                                                          Every since I was a child, I remember being taught that the Devil was our enemy.   After all, the Devil is the antithesis of everything that is good.   However, there is another enemy that we as Christians should be aware of in this world.   This enemy may not have the power that the Devil has against us, but it does have the opportunity.   In fact, this enemy is always closer than you might want to think.   In Mark 7, Jesus wants to clarify to t...

“Bread of Life”

BIBLE READING: John 6 DISCUSSION                                                                                       The early Christians faced a great deal of criticism and persecution, but did you know that in the second century, Christians were despised because people thought they were cannibals or even vampires.   In fact, those rumors spread throughout the Roman world as they were facing persecution.   Perhaps the reason for these accusations is a misunderstanding of Jesus’ teaching in John 6.   In this passage, Jesus has described himself as the Bread of Life that has been g...

“We Can’t Afford To Stop”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9. 1-17 DISCUSSION                                                                      Rejection… we will all face it in some capacity in this life.   As Christians, we know the rejection that Jesus faced was great. The things that He endured on His journey to the cross make any rejection we might feel seem small.    Although the pain He endured on the cross was great, He was also faced with rejection very early on in His ministry from a very unlikely source.   Mark 6 reveals to us that Jesus was rejected by the members of His family and neighborhood.   Try to imagine what it would have been like for Jesus as He sought t...

“No Fear”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 9-10 DISCUSSION                                                                                                           As the disciples are sent out to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel” in Matthew 10, Jesus gives them a few valuable instructions.    He begins with a warning, concerning what type of people they will face.   Then He reminds them that they will face some type of persecution, whether it is emotional or physical.   However, even during ...

“Hide it Under a Bushel…”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 8. 14-34, Mark 4-5 DISCUSSION                                                                          Every week I get the privilege of leading elementary chapel at Mars Hill Bible School.   It is so invigorating to see and to feel the passion in the hearts of these students as they sing those songs and follow along in their Bibles to the day’s lesson.   One of the crowd favorites with the younger ages is the old classic “This Little Light of Mine”.   As you might recall, one of the verses in the songs deals with today’s reading. “And he said to them, "Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not ...


Bible Reading: Matthew 13, Luke 8

“The Christian’s Confirmation Process”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 12. 22-50, Luke 11 DISCUSSION                                          Regardless of your political affiliation, you can’t help but be intrigued by what is going on in Washington today. The confirmation process of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been captivating and polarizing the nation for about 3 weeks.  It seems rather strange that Kavanaugh has been facing scrutiny over things that happened in his life over thirty years ago.  Items of evidence that have been submitted includes: yearbook signings, pictures, and even notes that were passed while in high school.    Kavanaugh has faced extreme criticism of the things he said, the places he went and the things he did over thirty years ago.  I for one, would not want to be subjected to that high level of cr...

“Are You Tired?”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 11 DISCUSSION                                                                                           No one said that living the life of a Christian would be easy.  In fact, it is just downright hard to live a life for Jesus.  Luke, in Luke 9, explains it as a cross that we must pick up and carry daily.  Imagine what that cross must have been like for Jesus as He carried it down the street to the place of the Skull.  I am confident that His cross was heavy and cumbersome, not to mention the fact that He was physically exhausted even before the jou...

“The Wonderful City of Nain”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 8. 1-13, Luke 7 DISCUSSION                                                                      About twenty-five miles southwest of the city of Capernaum lies the lovely city of Nain.  In most cases in those days’ cities received their name based on what the land looked like. If that is the case here, then the city of Nain must have been a very peaceful city because the word “Nain” means “green pastures”.  Just the thought of that imagine brings to mind David’s 23 psalm  “The Lord is my Shepherd…”,  doesn’t it?  Surprisingly, there isn’t much said in Scripture about the city.  In fact, the only time it is mentioned is in Luke 7.11.  This...

“A Sermon By Jesus”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 5-7 DISCUSSION                                                                                           Matthew 5-7 is what we affectionately refer to the as the “Sermon on the Mount”.  This is really the first “sermon” that Christ preaches to a crowd of people.  Imagine what it would have been like to sit on that hill side near Jesus as He began to teach.  Would He have your undivided attention?  Would you be likely to day dream about the rest of your day?  Do you think you would complain about the conditions, like the heat, or the itchy grass...

“Love Your Enemies”

BIBLE READING: Matthew 12. 1-21,Luke 6, Mark 3 DISCUSSION                                                                                          The reading in Luke 6.27-36, may just be the most difficult of Christ’s teachings to put into practice.  If we could sum up the teachings of Jesus in one word, it would probably be the word “love”.  He taught us to love Him, to love the Father, to love ourselves, to love or friends, to love our families, to love our neighbors, but the most difficult person to love is our enemies.  Why would Jesus teach such a thing?  Why is it so importan...

“Do You Wish To Be Healed?”

BIBLE READING: John 5 DISCUSSION                                                                   Do you want a better life?  That question may sound rather silly, but I want you to really think about the question.  Do you want a better life?  Essentially that is what Jesus asked the lame man in John 5.  This lame man had been an invalid for thirty-eight years and had been coming to a local spot in hopes of receiving some healing from God. As he lay there waiting to receive the healing, Jesus asked him a very simple question. “Do you want to be healed?”  One might think that the answer would be a rather simple answer of “Yes, of course I want to be healed”.  However, that is...