"Time to Clean House"
READING: 2 Kings 18. 1-8; 2 Chronicles
29-31; Psalms 48
King Hezekiah is one of the bright
spots in a list of evil people who served as king. As he begins his rule, one of the first things
he commands to be done is to carry the filth out of the Holy Place of God. The filth he was referring to was the pagan
cult objects that had been placed by his predecessors in the sanctuary of the
Temple. This was such an abomination to
Hezekiah that he ordered at once people to go in and clean house. Not only that, the King reminds them that
they were “ministers” of God and could not afford to be found negligent and
allow this filth to return. The lesson
for us today is pretty clear. How many of us need to clean our house? I am not talking about all of the dusting and
vacuuming we might need, I mean removing all of those things from our homes and
our lives that might pervert our worship to God. Too many of us have bitterness, anger,
jealousy, and lust within our hearts.
All of these things are similar to those pagan cult objects that were in
the Temple that contaminated something that was meant to be pure. Maybe it is time we do some house cleaning as
well and do our best to keep ourselves “unspotted form the world”(James 1.27)
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