Wednesday - May 4, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study


BIBLE READING:  Philippians 2.3-11

MAIN IDEA:           
“Home Awareness Will Invite Unity”

It is very easy to get so caught up in our lives that we forget about the lives of those around us. When that happens we become so self-absorbed that we are blind to the needs and concerns of those around us.  Discuss how much stress Jesus must have been under with His own tasks at hand (i.e. enduring the cross) and how He managed to be concerned with us.  Talk about how we not only need to be concerned with ourselves, but also those around us.  We might find that by being more aware of each other’s lives, we will grow closer. Who knows, we may even start to like each other! 

Take a few minutes to see what struggles others in your home might have. Then discuss ways in which you can help each other, rather than alienate yourselves from each other.

Prayer Requests: 


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