Saturday - May 7, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study


BIBLE READING: Proverbs 31:10-31

“The Gift of our Mothers”

Tomorrow will be one if not the busiest days for those who work in the restaurant business.  So many husbands and sons will give mom the day off from cooking and treat them to a meal. 
Gifts will be given, cards will be delivered and flowers will be placed in a vase.  However, the greatest gift we can give our mothers is to simply just spend time in prayer for them.  Now, I am not suggesting that you do that in lieu of giving the gifts, cards and flowers, but only God can truly bless them for all they have done for us.  Just imagine what life would be like without your mother. You can’t, because with her…you would not exist.  Even if your mother has left this world, she’s still in your memory and in prayer you can honor her memory by expressing your love for her to your Heavenly Father.

Pray for your Mother.
Spend your devotional time in reading the description of the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31.  Although your mother may not have all of those qualities, discuss the ones that she does.  Then make your own list!

Prayer Requests: 


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