Friday - May 6, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study


BIBLE READING:  Genesis 12.8; 13.4 and 35.1-3

MAIN IDEA:           
“Building Our Family Altar”

In the Old Testament, the Patriarchs were often known to build altars.   The purpose of these altars, were to have a place where they could make a sacrifice to God.
One of the more common places that had an altar constructed was known as “Bethel” Abraham first built the altar in Genesis 12 after God made His promise to Abraham.  Over a hundred years later, Jacob is commanded to return to “Bethel” and offer sacrifices.  The word “Bethel” simply means “House of God”. Discuss why Jacob needed to return there, and what was required for him to make that sacrifice to God. In essence, Bethel was the place that God had people go for a fresh start or as a place to re-evaluate their priorities. This is what our home can be, if we work at it.

What can we do to make this home a place that can be our “Bethel” or our “House of God”?  Apply the same thing that Jacob did in Genesis 35.2 to your life, and how that alone could make your home a “House of God”.

Prayer Requests: 


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