Unite with the Word:

At this point, all is well, right?  Not necessarily.

Thus far, the previous devotionals have been written from the perspective of one that has obeyed the gospel, a  brother or sister in Christ.  But it hit me, that unfortunately this may not be the reality for each person reading this devotional.  Now, while that fact certainly does not change the need for freeing your mind of worldly concerns and opening your heart to God, the calmness or peace within discussed yesterday is only attainable while in Christ.  Again, this is not to contradict anything previously stated, but rather to stress the importance of Uniting with the Word so that you may know the truth and be set free by the truth.  If you have questions around the truth, we can and would love to help.

For those in Christ, this point still carries great significance as Uniting with the Word means that we are uniting with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  2 Timothy 2:15 says “Do your best to present yourself to God as one  approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”  Uniting with the Word means we continue to chisel away that worldly shell to mold ourselves into an image that more closely mirrors that of our Savior.  However, it also means we can help others come to know the truth, and this is one thing we are all called to do.

Application: Spend time today and everyday Freeing your mind, Opening your heart, Calming your soul and     Uniting with the Word.

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