

Open your Heart:

In the opening section of this weekly devotional we talked about the various challenges that each of us face.  Then yesterday we discussed how we often respond to those challenges.  So now, let’s talk about the why behind the  challenges and our typical response.  Why do we allow these daily challenges to overcome us?  Why do we often respond to some challenges in a way that only worsens the situation?  Why do we allow Satan to further separate us from God by allowing him to cause us to lose our focus?

Each of us has challenges with our time.  We go to school, we work, we have families, we play sports, we participate in church-related activities, we participate in community building, and in caring for those in need.  And in each of these things, we give it our all, to be the best we can be, to help those around us be the best they can be. We do these things for good cause, but sometimes for the wrong reason, and that’s where we have issues. None of these activities in and of themselves are bad.  In fact, these type activities are usually highly encouraged.  However, having too many demands on us and on our time often leads to burnout, stress, and spiritual separation from God.  Not intended of course, but it’s something that       happens to the best of mankind.  It’s not necessarily the activity, but your motive and intentions behind the action can be the issue.

What do you treasure?  What motivates you to do the things you do every day?  Open your heart and   examine your purpose and intentions in each area of your life.  Do you seek constantly to glorify God in all things, or are you  seeking to be glorified by man?  I imagine that your honest answer to this question greatly determines your outlook on life and your ability to successfully cope with daily challenges.      Proverbs 4:23 reminds us to “keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” 

Application: Take time daily to Open your heart to God.  Examine your motives.

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