BIBLE READING: 11Corinthians 8-10
“The weapons
we fight with are not the weapons of the world.” — 2 Corinthians 10:4
Life is full of battles. Two teams
may battle it out on the football field. A person struggles to lose weight or
to conquer an addiction. Businesses fight to stay afloat. Society combats
racism and gender inequality. Armies engage in war. All of these battles engage
particular weapons—an ace quarterback, a special diet, 12-step programs, civil
rights, civil liberties, stealth weaponry.
Christ’s followers engage in
battles too. As Christians, we must be careful with our choice of weapons. Paul
here defends himself against false teachers who are publicly finding fault with
him in order to boost their own reputations. Many of us are familiar with the
weapons they used: belittling, bullying, gossip, false accusations. But
instead of responding the same way, Paul uses the meekness and gentleness of
Christ. He is not interested in defending himself; he desires to “take captive
every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
What is included in the arsenal we
may use in God’s kingdom? Our personal testimonies can be a powerful weapon
against “every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.”
Prayer is our lifeline to communicating with God, giving thanks, and
understanding his will for us. And in God’s strength we use our gifts and
talents in obedience to Christ. We can bring reconciliation, teach, show
compassion, organize projects, serve to help others, and more—all with the love
and grace that bring blessing to the world through Christ. -Gerrit Bomhof
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