

BIBLE READING: Titus & Philemon

                The letter (epistle) to Philemon is an unusual book as compared to the other New Testament inclusions.  It is a personal letter to Philemon, a wealthy man and a laborer for Christ, who had church in his own house (vs. 2), from Paul. In it, Paul shares his concern to do right and his spirit to reconcile those that have parted ways. Apparently, Onesimus was a runaway slave of Philemon’s.  Onesimus ran to Rome, perhaps to hide his identity amongst the large population.  There, the runaway met Paul, who was in prison. How, they met in prison is not told. It could be possible that Onesimus was jailed for his running away, and that is how he met Paul.

            Paul had the opportunity to lead this man to the Lord (vs. 10). It was not long until the two became good friends. Onesimus was a blessing to the now elderly, cold, imprisoned preacher.  Paul had a great need of Onesimus, but there was something that was more important than the prisoner’s comfort; it was doing the right thing. For this reason, Paul wrote the letter to Philemon. Apparently, they also were well acquainted, as Paul had led the wealthy man to the Lord (vs. 19). Now, although Paul did not want to lose his new friend, under the Roman law the servant still belonged to Philemon. Paul was returning Onesimus (vs. 12) to Philemon as a saved man.

            Now that both the slave and master were saved, Paul encouraged them to have a different relationship. First, although Onesimus’ name meant “profitable”, he was not very profitable (vs. 11) to his owner in the past.  Now that he was a new creature in Christ, he was already a blessing to Paul and would be to his owner. He would now be a profitable asset to his master.

            Secondly, Onesimus left as a slave and was now returning as a “brother” to Philemon in Christ.  Instead of treating Philemon as slaves were treated, Paul implored him to treat the man as Paul would have been treated (vs. 17) — well!

The whole story pictures a sinner running away from the Saviour.  No matter how we behaved before salvation, we will be different after we are saved. After salvation we can have a relationship with the Saviour. Before salvation we were unprofitable, but now we can be profitable for the cause of Christ. Christ is no longer a “tryant” that we do not really want to obey.  After salvation He should be our master, that we want to be with and serve.                                                                                                                                                                -www.openthoumineeyes.com








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