“God’s Divinely Inspired Word”



“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped.” — 2 Timothy 3:16-17

     The Bible is exceptional and unique because it is God’s own project from beginning to end. This is the foundational teaching of the Reformation, for it is through Scripture alone that God reveals his salvation plan.

      The difference between the Bible and other collections of wisdom across the ages and around the world is that those collections are inspired by human wisdom. The Bible, says the apostle Paul, is divinely inspired. The term that Paul uses to describe this inspiration can be simply and profoundly referred to as “God-breathed.”

            How the Bible is God-breathed is truly a mystery. God the Holy Spirit has spoken universal truth throughout history in all kinds of circumstances. Despite a vast array of personalities with all their individual gifts, quirks, strengths, and shortcomings, the Holy Spirit has spoken in and through the many writers of the Bible to his people in the past as well as today.

Because the words of the Bible are “God-breathed,” or inspired, they are wholly trustworthy, giving us all we need for faith and for living a life that pleases God.

Are you steeped in God’s Word? If not, let it become the bedrock of your daily life, nourishing, challenging, and leading you in pleasing God and loving your neighbor.                                                                                                                                               -Kurt Selles



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