“The Book of Wise Sayings”

BIBLE READING: Proverbs 1-3

The purpose of Proverbs seems to be to guide the reader’s daily choices. The book of Proverbs is not a book of laws, but a book of wise sayings and guidance. The book covers various subjects such as interpersonal relationships and attitudes toward work, values concerning wealth and poverty, how to treat the poor, attitudes toward gaining wealth, etc. There are many ways to use the proverbs.
1)     As you read the material, stop when you see a significant thought and memorize it.
2)     Gather the insights on a single topic, such as our relationships toward others. List verses that apply.
As you read Proverbs, remember that many times wisdom is personified as “she.”
Chapters 1-9 are in praise of wisdom. (Chapter 9:11f. contrasts wisdom and folly.
Chapters 10-22 contain many of Solomon’s proverbs. 2 Chronicles 9:23 states that all kings of the earth sought to hear Solomon’s wisdom that God had put in his heart.
 Proverbs 1-4
Solomon says in 1:7 that the Proverbs are written to help the reader acquire a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair. In these chapters Solomon discusses the benefits of wisdom. Warnings are given about the dangers of rejecting wisdom. Benefits are given, such as prolonged life and a good name with God and man. Solomon says we should trust God in making life’s choices. He “will make our lives straight.” One author (Richards) writes “The dominant aspect of wisdom” in the O.T “is moral.” When we make wise choices, we live a life that is pleasing to God. Richards points out that we should not regard the proverbs to be the same as God’s covenant commitments to his people. They are rather general principles that have universal application. Believers should make godly choices. Those who do not make wise choice are called “foolish.” 


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