“Shaking the Dust Off Your Feet”


                It takes courage for us share the message of Jesus with others.  In the Disciples case, they faced persecution, imprisonment and even death.  Even though we may not have to endure the same possible outcomes that they were faced with, we still share the worst possible outcome…rejection. It is so hard for us to understand why someone would choose to reject the greatest news that the world has ever known, yet it happens all the time.  Rejection is a very difficult thing for anyone to overcome.  Even though we know that it is Jesus that they are rejecting, we still feel that we are the one being rejected.  Along with that personal rejection comes thoughts of failure and inadequacy.  When we experience those types of emotions, it is easy to see how people are less likely to share their faith with the world.  How can we overcome these dangerous emotions we might be feeling due to someone’s rejection of the Truth?  We follow the example of Paul and Barnabas in our passage today.  They had been preaching the message of Jesus in Antioch of Pisida, when several of the Jews rise up in rebellion, not just to their message, but them as well.  When that happens Acts 13.51 tells us “they shook the dust off from their feet”.  This was the exact thing Jesus had told them to do when they were rejected in a given town (Matthew 10.14, Luke 9.5, Mark 6.11), but what does that mean?   Shaking the dust off one’s feet conveys the same idea as our modern phrase “I wash my hands of it.” Shaking the dust off the feet is a symbolic indication that one has done all that can be done in a situation and therefore carries no further responsibility for it. In the scriptural examples, Jesus was telling His disciples that they were to preach the gospel to everyone. Where they were received with joy, they should stay and teach, but where their message was rejected, they had no further responsibility. They were free to walk away with a clear conscience, knowing they had done all they could do.   Although it may not help us feel any better at that given moment, it will distract us and direct us to continue to move forward.  The next time someone rejects your invitation of the Gospel, just pray for them to change and move on.  There are over 7 billion people in this world, and although they might choose to reject God’s message…the next person just might!


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