“John’s Gospel”

BIBLE READING: John 18- Acts 1                             

                As you look back again at the Gospel of John, you may have noticed that John’s account of the life of Christ is somewhat different than the other Gospels.  John’s account has no mention of the birth of Christ as Matthew, Mark and Luke record.  There is no mention of any wise men, shepherds, nor even Herod as he sought to kill the child.  The book of John also contains no record of any of the parables that Jesus taught, nor is there anything said of the Sermon on the Mount.  In fact, ninety-two percent of John’s Gospel is totally new material that isn’t in the other accounts.  His first miracle, the woman of Samaria, the woman taken in adultery, the healing of the blind man, the raising of Lazarus from the dead and Jesus washing the disciple’s feet, are only recorded in John’s Gospel.  Why?  Why, is his account so different than the others?  Let me first say, in no way shape or form does the Gospel of John contradict any of the other Gospels.  In fact, it is only with John that we have a full description of the life of Jesus.  Nevertheless, John is more unique.  I believe John himself gives us the answer as to why his book is so different than the others, “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:30-31).  This passage serves as a perfect theme and explanation of John’s work.  There were a lot of other things that Jesus did that we will never know about this side of Heaven.  However, for John’s purpose, these specific miracles were selected because they were attested, apologetic and definitive to the wonderful story of love that Jesus offers to us.  The greatest blessing that John offers us, is it gives us a more complete picture of God’s will.


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