“An Example of Correction”

Building off yesterday’s Home Devo from Acts 17.11.
                Once we develop a routine of studying the Scriptures daily to ensure that what we are hearing in our churches is in fact, from the Word of God, it is possible that we might have a situation where someone is teaching something in error; if that is the case, how are we to approach it?  Again, the Bible is such a wonderful tool from God, that it gives us an example of such a situation in the very next chapter.  Apollos was a Jew from Alexandria, who the Bible calls “an eloquent man”, who was “competent in the Scriptures”.  As he taught, he was passionate about his message concerning Jesus and was accurate as he “boldly” preached in the synagogue.  Although he had been teaching the truth about Jesus, he had only been acquainted with the baptism of John.  Of those that were listening to his preaching were Pricilla and Aquila.  Pricilla and Aquila were tent makers from Italy who joined Paul in his missionary journeys.  When they heard his preaching and noticed that he was not familiar with the truth concerning baptism for the remission of sins, ‘they took him aside and explained to him the way more accurately.” (Acts 18.26).  Apollos gladly accepted the Truth; he boldly refuted the Jews by revealing to them a more accurate teaching.  Their knowing the Truth and being able to reveal the Truth to Apollos provides us with an example of how we should handle a similar situation.  The key that is not revealed in this passage, but is implied, is that we do it in a loving and humble way, considering ourselves.  Galatians 6.1 tells us, “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”. This not only helps correct false teaching, but it works with every transgression that we might commit.   If we have the wrong kind of spirit or intentions about correcting others, we not only do them a disservice and place ourselves at risk, but we misrepresent the Truth.  I pray that we all have the same spirit that Pricilla and Aquila have concerning correcting and educating someone in matters of Truth.


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