READING: Acts 2-6
As I go back and read these passages
of Scriptures again, one word keeps coming to mind, empowered. These same disciples who left Jesus while He
was in the garden, denied that they knew Him, or doubted His resurrection, are
now empowered to do things they never thought they would do. They are boldly proclaiming Christ’s message
and they are willing to risk everything to do it. Why the sudden change? Why is there a shift
in their attitudes? What has given them
this courage to do these things? I
believe they now feel EMPOWERED to do so.
Before, they always had Jesus with them, but now they have Jesus in
them! Once we understand what John said
in I John 4.4 “…for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”,
we will experience the same type of empowerment. Having Jesus living in us, will give us the
power to step out of our comfort zone and grow!
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