"Types & Anit-Types"

BIBLE READING: Exodus 28-29

                The book of Hebrews tells us that God uses the Old Testament to describe types and anti-types in the New Testament.  The reading for today is exactly that.  As you look at the description of the Levitical priests that are mentioned within the book of Exodus, it can make you wonder how these passages apply to you? Jesus is a type of High Priest in the Old Testament. The lesson for us today lies in the detail and difficulty that was involved for a man to become a priest.  It was his responsibility to offer the sacrifices for the people.  Not only was it a very bloody job, it was also a very impersonal job. You may have brought the sacrifice, but it was the priest who offered it on your behalf, even though he may not know a single thing about you.  Today, Jesus is our High Priest.  He made the sacrifice for us, however, with Jesus, the difference lies in Him being acquainted with us. As pure humanity and pure divinity, He is enabled to uniquely understand all that we are going through.  Hebrews 4:15 tells us, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” With Jesus as our High Priest, we now have a personal connection to the sacrifice.  We not only know the sacrifice, but more importantly, He knows us as well.


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