"Oholiab-The Contractor of the Tabernacle"

BIBLE READING: Exodus 30-32
                Their names are not the kind of names that you would be quick to recall as what role they played in the Bible, yet they were very valuable to God in the plan that He had set in motion.  Oholiab just so happens to be one of those men that doesn’t get the attention that Moses and Aaron get in the story of the Exodus, yet his role is very important.  The Bible says in Exodus 31:1-5, that Oholiab was gifted by God with the ability to use his mind and his hands to create things with gold, silver and stone.  God is going to be very specific in what He wants this tabernacle and its furniture to look like, and Oholiab was just the man for the job.  This story reminds us that each one of us has a talent or a gift that God has placed within us to be used in His kingdom.  Oholiab may not be able to be a leader like Moses, or the High Priest like Aaron, but He could use his talent to give glory to God.  We must remember that the Lord has more than just preaching and teaching on His mind of things that must get done. If we think about it, I bet we could come with a whole lot of people in our churches that are very similar to Oholiab.  People that work behind the scenes to help ensure that things get done.  Whether it is the church secretary, the bus driver or the couple that pick up the communion cups,  we are all part of the body of Christ and designed to use our gift within His ministry.  What is your gift?  Are you using it?  If not, why not? 


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