“The Promise of God”
While on this earth, Jesus made several promises. In John 10.10 He
promises an abundant life to all His followers. In John 15.14-15, he
promises us His hand in friendship if we do whatsoever He has commanded us to
do. In Matthew 28.20, He promised to be with us always. All these
promises (along with many more) are wonderful for us today and offer us
motivation to continue to endure till the end. However, in today’s world,
the most important promise that Jesus made to us could be the one we find in
Mark 13.31. It reads, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will
not pass away”. In a world that is full of doubt and one that is confused
on the reality of Truth, Jesus offers us a promise of comfort in knowing that
His words will endure forever. This isn’t the only time we
see this sentiment expressed in Scripture. It is also found in I Peter
1.25, “But the word of the Lord remains forever.” David alludes to it in
Psalm 119, ”Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens. Your
faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it
stands fast.” (Psalms 119:89-90). Our world needs some stability,
something that is sure, something that will never fade away. That is what
the Word of God offers us. Even when this world that we live in is being
destroyed, at the end of days, the Words of Christ will forever
endure. Wouldn’t you want to bank on something that is steadfast
and sure? There is only one thing that will last beyond our lives to the
next and that is a promise I expect Him to keep!
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