“If We Don’t Praise Him…”



                As Jesus prepares to enter Jerusalem for the last time before His death, the people are beginning to accept that He was not just another prophet.  As He enters the city, even His method of transportation is different… “a colt” or a young donkey. It wasn’t just the method that was unique, the path was somewhat different as well.  The people were taking off their cloaks and laying them down on the ground in front of the colt, so the feet of the colt did not have to touch the ground.  The royal treatment did not stop there. The people shouted “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.” (Luke 19.36).  Finally, they were treating Him as He deserved to be treated.  However, not everyone shared in their excitement.  Some of the Pharisees rebuked Jesus, commanding that He make the people stop acting in such a way.   Jesus responds, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”   Although that sounds like a strange comment from Jesus, it is also Biblically correct.  There are several passages of Scripture that point out crying out to God in praise; Isaiah 40.20, Job 12.7-10 and Romans 1.20.  Jesus deserved to be praised, whether it is by man or not.  Jesus was correct, if we don’t praise Him…the rock will!



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