“The Last Supper ”



                The disciples of Jesus had not been strangers to the Passover meal.  In fact, they were all good Jews and had taken part in the Passover feast ever since they were children.  However, this Passover was different.  It was different in the fact that this would be the last Passover they would share with Jesus in the flesh.  This was also different because Jesus was going to use this Passover to institute a new feast that would be partaken of later by New Testament Christians from now until His return.  Why?  Why would Jesus institute such a feast?  There are several reasons but let’s note a few of the obvious ones.  First, Jesus wanted it to serve as an explanation about what was to happen, “This is My body” …” this is My blood”.  Jesus needed a way to explain to them what was about to happen so that when it did, it would serve as a reminder to them about the importance of what was taking place.  Secondly, these feasts in the Old Testament were designed to serve as a memorial.  A memorial is something that is done to serve by way of remembrance. The Passover Meal was a meal that would recall words like “salvation”, “deliverer” and “redemption”; these same words should be able to help make the transition to Jesus’ sacrifice rather smooth.  By instituting this meal, Jesus was intending it to be a way of reminding us of His sacrifice.  He knew that by doing this at the same time they would have partaken of the Passover, it would further add to its significance.  So, what does all this mean to me today?  It reveals to us somewhat of the providence of God.  God has and will always be in control of the events of this world and uses these events to accomplish His purpose.  This was God’s way of using tragedies, like the Egyptian bondage and the death of Jesus to accomplish HIs ultimate will.  This may be referred to the “Last Supper”, but it also served a purpose of being the first of blessings for mankind.

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