“Let Them Sink IN….”



            As a parent, I feel that I am constantly having to remind my children of certain things like, clean your room, put up your clothes, and make sure you have on clean underwear.  It is very frustrating to feel like I am having to repeat myself over and over. I wonder if Jesus felt the same type of frustration?  Over and over in the Scripture we find Jesus having to remind His disciples of His coming death, yet repeatedly they let it go in one ear and out the other. In Luke 9.44 Jesus is once again giving insight to His disciples concerning His upcoming death. Just listen to the words of Jesus and see if you can feel His frustration, “Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men”. I can almost imagine Jesus grabbing Peter by the ears and speaking as slow as possible in hopes that it would finally register with them.  Yet, much like my children, they soon forget moments after it is said.  As Christians, we seem to fall into the same trap.  We know what the Bible says, we hear it in our classes and from our pulpits, but all too often we forget it before we even leave the building.  So, church…let’s pay close attention to the words of Christ and “let them sink into our ears”.  





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