“The Prayer of Jabez”
BIBLE READING: 1 Chronicles 3-5
As the book of I Chronicles continues with its genealogies, we have a
hidden gem located in I Chronicles 4.9-10.
Included in the genealogy of Judah we find a man named Jabez who had a
very specific prayer. Other than this
prayer we have no other information concerning Jabez. His name means “pain and sorrow” and is also
the name of a city where the scribes lived in, I Chronicles 2.55. According to “The New
International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters”, Jabez
“seemed to have lived in dread that his name would be prophetic…prayed about it
and God granted his request.” His prayer
is very short, yet very specific. We can
still use Jabez’s prayer today if we understand that our prayers are not some
ritualistic incantations that when we repeat them, God will answer. Our prayers should be very personal as we are
communicating our thoughts to the Almighty. During my study this week I
discovered an article written by Toni Ford of the Gadsden Messenger who
solicited “Four Areas of the Prayer of Jabez” that I thought are useful for us
today. Remember as you ask God to help
you in the four areas, make them personal to your own life.
1. Blessing:
begins his prayer by asking God for His blessing. We need more of God’s
blessing, not just for ourselves but in order to be better equipped to make a
difference for His Kingdom. God wants to bless each of us, but He is often
waiting for us to ask with the right heart. Ask God for His blessing, recognize
your need for His provision and set your heart toward wanting to be a blessing
to others.
2. Influence:
Jabez asks for more influence. As God’s blessings increase in our lives, we ask
for and experience greater opportunities to influence the world around us for
Him. God has the power to open doors of opportunity for us to make a
difference. Pray for more influence. Knowing that God can make a way, trust in
Him to open doors and lead you on the best path for your life and for His
3. Presence:
As we ask
for blessing and influence, we also need to ask for His presence as Jabez did
so that we are not operating out of our own strength but through the presence and
the hand or our Almighty God. In humility, may we acknowledge our need for
God’s presence in our lives daily.
4. Protection:
Jabez asks the Lord to protect him. If we are influencing the world for Jesus,
we must understand the enemy will try to stop us. Jesus already has won the
victory, so we don’t need to fear destruction. God promises to be with us and
protect us, and because He is with us, we have nothing to fear.
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