“Don’t give the Devil a foothold”
Kings 9-11
There are some insanely evil
people portrayed in the Bible, aren't there? Sometimes good Christian people
suffer mental illness, and we struggle alongside them, praying for God's grace
and peace for them. But this is different. Jezebel displays the kind of
insanity caused by full-blown evil (2 Kings 9.14-37).
Have you been dabbling in dangerous things? A
little gambling, a little drinking and partying, a little porn? Be wary of sin,
because when you open a door even just a crack, wild creatures come rushing in.
Jezebel, having opened that door long ago,
was now a woman totally infested with satanic evil. Like jagged sheet metal in
hurricane-force winds, she is a free-floating weapon of destruction in Satan's
hellish control. There is no warning buzzer in her brain, and there are no
Jezebel is about to die, and she knows it.
Like an impossible scene from a horror movie, she hums to herself and applies
her makeup (2 Kings 9.30). You've heard the expression, "I wouldn't be
caught dead in this!" Well, she figures, "If I'm going to die, I
might as well look good."
Guard your
heart, mind, and body. "Do not give the devil a foothold" (Ephesians
4:27). In the story of Jezebel, we see what evil can do to us all if we
aren't rescued by the grace of God. –Keith Mannes (today.reframemedia.com)
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