“Spiritual Giving”

BIBLE READING: Galatians 6

As Christians, we must realize that the progress of the Gospel in the world is no cheap undertaking.  God has approved only one way for the church to be financed, and that is by the freewill offerings of the members.  Sharing what we have with those in need ranks among the purest manifestations of religion.
Those who take it upon themselves to preach the gospel in foreign fields must be supported.  Paul asked the Corinthians concerning himself and Barnabas, "If we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?" (I Cor 9:11).  He posed this question after quoting from Deuteronomy 25:4: "For it is written in the Law of Moses, 'You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing" (1 Cor 9:9).  In other words, those who were preaching the gospel were worthy of pay for doing such.  Paul sometimes worked as a tentmaker to support himself, but he didn't refuse pay (support) from those who believed in his work and desired to spread the word.
The one who sows luxury, drunkenness and insane desires will reap what comes from these. Specifically, punishment, vengeance, shame, ridicule and destruction.  These things perish and corrupt the body with them. The fruits of the Spirit are quite contrary.  If we sow merciful acts, heavenly habitations and eternal glory await us.
The support of the Philippians (Phil 1:5) allowed Paul much more time for preaching and teaching, resulting in converting of the lost.


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