“Justification by the Law”
READING: Galatians 5
Galatians 5 speaks about the problem of
turning from the Law of Christ to the Law of Moses. There were Jews in Galatia teaching that in
order to become a Christian you would have to obey the Law of Moses and submit
to circumcision. Paul writes that their
message was no gospel at all but rather a perversion of the gospel of Christ
Paul was dealing with one of the
greatest requirements of the Jewish Law, circumcision. Earlier in the letter, he used the example of
Titus, his faithful coworker, who was not compelled to be circumcised because
he was a Greek (2:3).
No evidence surfaces to suggest that
the Galatians had any concern about rule-keeping. It seems unlikely that they, as biblically
unschooled Gentiles, would want to bother with such abstract matters. This contrasts with the obsession of modern
interpreters with the idea that one can earn his way to heaven through works.
Even though we cannot do anything to
put God in our debt, we know that good works are evidences of our spiritual
well being. "For
we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may
receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”
(II Cor 5:10, ESV) Obviously, we
will be judged by our actions. The inner
man determines what the body does. When
referring to false prophets, Jesus said we will know them by their works. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil
fruit:…" (Matt 7:18).
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