“Sowing and Reaping”

BIBLE READING:2 Corinthians 9

 “This I say in order to induce you to give liberally. This I say to prevent your supposing that because it is to be a voluntary offering you may give only from your excess and may give sparingly.”   

A man that sows little can only expect to reap little. If he sows a small piece of land, he will reap a small harvest.  If he is meager in sowing and wants to save his seed and will not commit it to the earth, he must expect to reap little; So, it is in giving. Money given in alms, money bestowed to aid the poor and needy, or to extend the influence of virtue and pure religion, is money bestowed in a way similar to the act of committing seed to the earth. It will be returned in some way with an abundant increase. It will not be lost, but the seed may long be buried.

It may lie in the ground with no indication of a return or increase. One who did not know the arrangements of Providence might suppose it was lost and dead. In due time it will spring up and produce an ample increase.  Money given to benevolence may seem to be a waste or may appear to be thrown away.  In due time it will be repaid in some way with abundant increase. The man who wishes to make the most of his money for future use and personal comfort will give liberally to deserving charities, just as the man who wants to make the most out of his grain will not allow it to lie in his storage but will commit the seed to the fertile earth.

Our motivation to give should not come from a desire to gain.  We give to others because God has given to us and everything, we have is ultimately His.  He has put whatever we have in our care, and we have a duty to be good stewards for Him


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