READING: Galatians 1
sometimes sing a hymn with the line, "I stand amazed in the presence of
Jesus the Nazarene." Anyone who
comes to know the God-man will truly be amazed.
Jesus shared the Father's glory before the world was, and it was through
Him that the worlds were created. He was
made flesh by the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit and a devout young Jewish
virgin. This took place in an
insignificant land and in humble circumstances.
Jesus grew up as a worker in His earthly father's carpentry shop. He then went about teaching an ethic and a
wisdom which religionists around the world concede to be superior to all other
world religions. He gave credibility to
His teachings by consistently living what He taught. This made a great impression on those who
knew Him best. His followers testified
that He died and rose again. That
testimony continues to grip the hearts and minds of men. Its power draws people from all over the
world into its realm of faith and transforms their lives.
Paul stood in amazement at Jesus Christ, he was also "amazed" at the
Christians in Galatia (1:6) but for negative reasons. They had deserted the wonderful grace of
Christ for an empty gospel of Law-keeping.
The apostle's words warn Christians not to trade the invaluable treasure
of Christ for anything this world has to offer.
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