"Truly Loving One Another"
BIBLE READING: Ephesians 5. 21-33
more to being a Christian than talking about Jesus or rejoicing in being
“saved.” Too often we emphasize our personal, “vertical” relationship with
Jesus without thinking how that should affect our “horizontal” relationships
with others, where life can be very complicated. Ephesians has some close
to-home application here, teaching that the reason for submitting to one
another is “out of reverence for Christ.”
Jesus’ command that we “love one another,” some have stated that “Where love
reigns, there is mutual servitude,” adding that this applies even to kings and
rulers. They must serve their people, as must leaders in the church, elders,
deacons, preachers. So must husbands and wives.
Jesus’ example to the marriage relationship, Paul mentions the “profound
mystery” of Christ and his church. Jesus is the head of the church, and yet he
sacrificed himself for it. He’s the model of service and submission for both
the husband and the wife. It’s a love relationship of serving and sacrificing
for one another.
Loving and
submitting means subordinating our “rights” and emphasizing how we can serve
and build up one another. Our commitment to Christ leads to acts of
surrendering self and submitting “out of reverence for Christ.” Doing so will
attract new believers.
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