READING: Hebrews 11. 1-40
chapters in the Bible stand on their own. The chapter number is synonymous with
what is actually in the chapter. For instance, if I were to say Genesis 1, you
might say “The Creation”, I Corinthians 13, “The love chapter” and finally the
topic of our thought today, Hebrews 11 is “The Hall of Faith”. As you read
through the chapter you find yourself taking a stroll down through history;
Cain and Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and so on and so forth. What if this were
an actual “Hall of Fame” you could visit? Maybe you even put on a set of those
special headphones that would make the stories come alive as you came to the
exhibit. Now what would happen if we came to an exhibit with your name on it?
Would the recording stop and say that they were having some “spiritual
difficulties? Would you hear “I’m sorry but this person’s faith is unavailable
at this time?” Or would you hear some incredible story of how your faith
affected those people around you? That is all He has asked us to do; to have a
faith that affects others in a positive light. We don’t have to build an ark,
or offer a son, or even lead a nation. All we have to do is something! So what
is your story? I’m dying to hear!
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