Monday - November 21, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study

BIBLE READING:  Psalm 106:1-13

As you begin your work week this Thanksgiving week, there are a million things for which you could be thankful. Today I just want you to focus on one thing. This one thing is the reason you attend worship. Without this one thing you, nor anything else would be here, and that one thing is God. The Psalmist said “Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Who can utter the mighty deeds of the LORD, or declare all His praise?" (Psalm 106:1-2). 

Application: Today make a special effort to thank God for being God. Take the time to thank Him for expressing His love towards us, by creating us and allowing us to share in this
experience of life together. For truly without Him there would be nothing. 

Prayer Request


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