Friday - November 18, 2016

Woodlawn Family Bible Study

BIBLE READING:  Hebrews 10:19-39

Isn’t technology great? Just take for instance the invention of the smart phone. Who would have ever thought 30 years ago we would be able to have access to any song, movie, television show or book we ever wanted, be able to get directions to any place in the world, to purchase plane tickets, to pay your credit card bill and even call someone...all from a device that you could wear around your wrist? Wow, I bet our great grandparents who had to pick cotton all summer sure would have thought we were spoiled! These phone companies are constantly coming out with smaller, faster and lighter things so there is no telling what kinds of things we will have on our wrist 30 years from now. 

As great as this technology is, it still needs a power source to make it run. As long as your device has power, it works and functions great, but the second it loses power it turns into a worthless piece of plastic. Everything that runs needs a power source, and we are not different. If we want to keep ourselves in great working condition, we need to make sure we keep our batteries charged. 

This world is very draining on our spiritual power supply.  The good news is that God has provided a way to get charged back up every week for another week of action. It is called "worship"! Every week God gives us an opportunity to recharge our batteries by meeting with people of like faith doing things like singing, praying, and studying God’s word together. We get a chance to run a self-diagnostic check on ourselves during communion to make sure we are living as we should, and we also receive the support that comes from others who are struggling with the same struggles we are on a daily basis. The writer of Hebrews says by being at worship, we praise God, but we also are “...encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25). This is where we receive our power to charge our batteries for the week ahead. 

Application: No one wants to be stuck with dead technology, and trust me, no one wants to be found to have a low or dead spiritual battery. Make sure you get charged up this week. 

Prayer Request


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