“What is your purpose?”
BIBLE READING : Matthew 27-28
Matthew 28:18-20 (commonly referred
to as the Great Commission), identifies three distinct dimensions of Christ's
mission. It answers the question --
What is your purpose? A
disciple-making purpose
Jesus did not say go and make
converts, Christians, church members or mere believers. A closer look at the
Scriptures reveals why. In the entire New Testament, convert is found three
times. Christian is found three times (interestingly Jesus
never used the word). Member is found eleven times and believer is
found twenty-one times. In contrast to these words, disciple is
found 296 times in the New Testament. To Jesus, success is not about size,
success is succession. Jesus did not say, "Draw a crowd and hold more
services" (we all wish it was that easy). Jesus knew that drawing a crowd
and making disciples is not the same thing. Jesus wants us to make disciples
who can make disciples.
What is your purpose? An every-where
In Matthew 28, Jesus said, "Make
disciples of all nations." Our mission is so big, so everywhere,
a few paid professionals are not enough to get the job done. Not only do we
have a shared mission, we have a shared identity. We are all informal
missionaries who are determined to go wherever Jesus sends us. Our daughter is
an international worker in Africa. If anyone asked her, "How did you end
up living in Africa?" Her short answer would be, "God sent me."
But if someone asked us how we ended
up living in our city would we give the same answer? Followers of Jesus are
informal missionaries who realize that Jesus has providentially arranged their
lives so that they have direct access to the people he's trying to reach. If we
live in a specific neighborhood or work in a certain company, we're not there
by accident. Jesus has providentially put us there to have direct access to
those neighbors and employees. My friends, we live our entire lives in the
middle of our Lord's harvest field. Jesus has prepared us for the people we
routinely contact every day. We have an everywhere mission.
What is your purpose? A Jesus-led
In a Jesus-led mission spiritual
results are not based on human effort or worldly principles. They are based on
being conscious of Christ's presence, attentive to his word, and responsive to
his initiatives. Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth
has been given to me. . .and I am with you always." Jesus was in
effect saying, "This is my church and my mission. I’m always in
charge and always present." Our job is to be conscious of his
presence, attentive to his word, and responsive to his initiatives.
The book of Acts illustrates this
dynamic principle
In Acts 8, Phillip found an Ethiopian Treasurer in the desert because he was
conscious of Christ's presence, attentive to his voice and responsive to his
In Acts 9, because Ananias was conscious, attentive and responsive, he found Saul
of Tarsus praying. Jesus had converted the arch-enemy of the early church to be
an Apostle for the Gentile nations.
In Acts 10, Peter heard a voice from heaven say, "Simon, three men are
looking for you." He responded to Christ's leading and brought the good
news of the gospel to Cornelius and his household.
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