“Press On”



In chapter 7, Mark continues to show how Jesus handles conflict by rebuking the Pharisees and other religious leaders as they try to bind the traditions of men such as handwashing on the disciples under the guise that it is part of God’s word. Even the disciples fail to grasp this point and Jesus has to point out to them that it is what comes out of a man that defiles him and not what is taken in. (7:20-33). It is interesting that when Jesus meets a person of faith, it is a foreigner, a Gentile, a woman from Syrophenica, who demonstrates an outstanding faith In Jesus. When Jesus questions her faith and makes reference to giving the “children’s bread…to the dogs,” being a reference to the Jewish attitude toward the Gentiles being “dogs” she replies “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

In chapter 8 we continue to read of the frustration of Jesus as to the lack of faith that not only the rulers of the Jews have, but even the disciples have in him.  When the multitudes following Jesus become hungry, and the disciples become aware of this they seem to have already forgotten how Jesus fed the 5000. “Where is this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them! After feeding the 4000, and the failure of the Pharisees to accept him, Jesus warns the disciples against their teachings and cries out, “Do you still not understand?”  Yet in spite of these discouragements and the constant pressure on Jesus, he never faulters. He continues to press on in his ministry of teaching and healing (blind man, 8:22-26; boy with unclean spirit, 9:14-29), and encouraging people, especially the disciples to believe in him.  

Although the crowds do not recognize Jesus, in Mark 8:27-9:40, we read of the ever increasing faith of the disciples. Mark 8:27-31 describes the confession of Peter as the Christ. Mark 8:31-38 and 9:32, foretell the death and resurrection of Jesus. Mark 9:3-14, tells of the Transfiguration of Jesus and the passing of the Word from the leaders and prophets of the Old Testament to the statement “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.”  

Along with these statements and events designed to strengthen the disciples, Jesus also instructs them in righteous living. As soon as Peter confirms that Jesus is the Christ, Jesus begins telling them of the cost of discipleship (8:34-38), provides instruction of faith (9:14-32, teaches the 12 about servanthood (9:233-37), teaches them not to reject others who believe (9:38-41 and warns them of the seriousness of causing any who believe in him to sin. (9:42-50)




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