“You Have A Purpose”

BIBLE READING: Jeremiah 1-3

                If you take a moment to just sit down and think about every person who has either existed or currently existing, your head will start to hurt.  According to one study done by the Population Reference Bureau, as of 2019 it was estimated that there has been about 108,760,543,791 people who have existed.  That is a lot of people; Could you imagine trying to remember all 108,760,543,791 names?  How about trying to remember 108,760,543,791 names and occupations?  How about 108,760,543,791 names, occupations, and talents?  That would be an impossible task for us to even begin to fathom, but God can do it without any trouble.  In fact, God would be to tell you how many hairs were on those 108,760,543,791 people, because God made and fashioned every one of them.  In Jeremiah 1.5, God is letting Jeremiah know that He has a job for him to do, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5).  God had selected Jeremiah to be His prophet to His people to warn them of the up and coming captivity and to encourage them to turn away from their idolatry and return to God.  The most interesting thing about that verse to me, is that God knew the intimate details of Jeremiah’s life even before he was born.   If God knew that about Jeremiah, He knows it about me.  If God can know it about me, then He can know it about every person that has and will ever live on this earth.  Not only has God created and formed us all, He has created in us a purpose to fulfill.  Many of us may not even know what our purpose is, but God does.  I don’t know about you, but every day I continue to be impressed with the God that we serve. Thank you, Lord, for created me and giving me purpose.                                                                                                                                                   -MH


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