“The True Meaning of the Rainbow”

BIBLE READING: Genesis 8-11
                In recent years, the rainbow has become a symbol of acceptance and tolerance.  However, when it was originally created, its intended meaning was anything but acceptance and tolerance.  God’s implementation of the rainbow was done at the conclusion of the flood to make a covenant that God would never destroy the earth again by water.  The rainbow was a sign of God’s covenant with not just Noah, but to all His creation.  I am sure that every time Noah looked up into the clouds, he recalled what it was like to once again be standing on dry ground after all those days within the ark. He must have recalled how grateful he was to have been spared from God’s wrath on the sinful world that once existed.  However, to Noah the rainbow meant much more than just a covenant.  When Noah looked up into the sky to see the rainbow it must have also served as a reminder there will be another time of judgement.  The rainbow represented love, grace and salvation, but we also know that our God is not accepting or tolerant of sin.  The reason He gave the rainbow, was because He had to send the flood and the reason for the flood was because of sin.  Today we can remember God’s creation of the rainbow as a sign of love, but also as a reminder that even though this world will not be destroyed by water, there will come another reckoning.  If we learn anything from God’s previous reckoning in Noah’s day, we can see it will not be one of acceptance and tolerance. 


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