“Spiritual Warfare”

BIBLE READING:1 Corinthians 16

Every Christian should realize that we are in a spiritual fight.  We face an adversary that wants to destroy us.  As Christians we should dedicate our lives to the defense of the church and her members.  "Fear not the things which thou art about to suffer: behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life."  (Rev 2:10 ASV) I have heard some simplify this verse as, "Be faithful, even if it kills you."
Christ has given us the equipment we need to carry out our duties:  watching, standing firm in the faith, acting like men, and being strong.  These can be considered masculine traits due to the military analogies, but they are not and should not be limited only to men.    Feminists might concede that men are strong and courageous in some cases, but foolishly so. We are told that women are loving and nurturing, and these qualities are to be preferred.   The roles of men and women have been scoffed at by those who believe that there are no roles that belong exclusively to a man or woman. 
Could it be that the devil is trying to cloud the differences between men and women to cause us not to take the battle seriously?  Regardless of the warfare we are engaged in, if we don't honor God's Word, He will not be on our side in the fight.   If God is not for us, we are fighting alone.


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