“Speaking in Tongues”

BIBLE READING:1 Corinthians 14

The Corinthian church was far from perfect.  They had problems in many areas but especially with speaking in tongues.  Even though there were those in the church that had a variety of gifts of the Spirit, it seems most wanted to speak in tongues.  People often think the language spoken was mysterious and unknown.  However, “tongues” referred to speaking a language that you had never studied.

On the Day of Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples were gathered in Jerusalem along with people from every nation under heaven (Acts 2:5).  As the Apostles began preaching to the crowd, everyone heard them in their own language.  The crowd was astonished at this miracle.  "How is it that we hear, each of us in his own language?  (Acts 2:8,ESV)  The Apostles were speaking real languages, understood by the people gathered there.

Paul is not saying that speaking in tongues was a "bad" or lesser gift to have.  He is saying if a person came speaking in tongues, the congregation would not understand unless they had an interpreter.   The person who has the gift of teaching is much more useful to the Church than one who has only the gift of tongues, because he speaks to the profit of men.  It seems those desiring the gift of tongues were building up themselves. (14:4)


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