READING: John 15.18, Romans 12. 1-2
Gods love for us is
unconditional. His values have nothing
to do with money, personal comfort, pleasure, and “things.” He does the impossible. Jesus even reminds us, how even the world
hates he who loved the world.(John 15:18). Sadly, many times when you make
comparisons to those who are supposed to be representing Him, we just don’t
come close. We, on the other hand, have
trouble forgiving, have trouble seeing beyond earthly treasure, have trouble
believing the unseen, and enjoy the approval of men. God understands these
shortcomings, but desires us to strive to be godly and strive to be like his
son. That’s why we need to transform our
minds in order to understand God’s will (Romans 12:1-2). We can transform our minds by studying God’s
word daily and striving to be like Jesus Christ. Our time with God is the most important
aspect of our lives. We all need to
strive to transform our lives. Remember
His love is unconditional!
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