“Wanting What God Wants”
Samuel 8-11
2 Samuel 11 we see the story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah. This is the story
of David’s most well-known sin in committing adultery with Bathsheba and essentially
murdering her husband Uriah. Most of us know this story but knowing this story
and figuring out how we can learn from David’s sin are two totally different
concepts. There is a lot we could focus on in this passage to learn from David,
but we are going to focus on verses 1-3. James 1:14-15 lays out for us the
process of how sin enters our lives in which we are drawn away by our own
lust(step 1), lust gives birth to sin(step 2), and sin brings forth death(step
3). Although 2 Samuel 11:1-5 gives us a clear example of this process we are
only going to focus on the first step.
we go through step 1 of this process it is important to know that according to
verse 1 David was supposed to be in battle but for whatever reason he “remained
at Jerusalem.” Sometimes we choose to stay at home or in our own comfort zone
instead of getting out and doing what God wants us to do. This reminds us of
the old phrase “idles hands are the devil’s workshop”. That same idea is
presented in Proverbs 16:27. Now on to step 1.
Step 1:
We are drawn away by our own lust. In verse 2 David was innocently walking on
the roof and happened to see a beautiful woman bathing. Up until this point
David had not sinned. As humans, we have thoughts about or see our own lust and
desire but unless we allow that lust or desire to draw us away from God, then
we have not sinned. If David would have walked away right at that moment he
would have been just fine, but as we see in verse 3, he allows his lust and
desire to draw himself away from God. In verse 3 “David sent and inquired about
the woman”. He acted on his own selfish lusts and desires.
We often
see the fact that we allow our own lust and desire to draw us away from God as
painful and negative. Yes, we should feel bad because we are separated from God
but that should motivate us to get closer to God and not separate us further.
But, how
do we keep this from happening again? To answer that question let’s ask another
question. What separated you from God in the first place? YOUR OWN SELFISH
DESIRES! The answer is very simple; we must change our desires to God’s desires.
We cannot want what we want, we must want what God wants. Some desires are easy
to change, and some are not, but we must change them no matter how difficult.
Now read
2 Samuel 11:4-5 and point out steps 2 and 3. It is important to understand
where your own selfish desires can lead you.
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